Rose Red Records

Instore record cleaning

We can now offer a deep cleaning record service thanks to our new Pro-ject VC-S vacuum cleaning machine. This fantastic machine utilises both an effective specially formulated cleaning fluid that does not contain alcohol (which can over time damage a records surface) and instead utilises eco-friendly high purity extracts. This cleaning fluid is very effective at breaking down any dirt that may be stuck in the grooves as well as any grease or contaminants that may be present on the record surface. The machine then uses a vacuum arm that is powered by an industrial grade vacuum motor to suck both the cleaning liquid and any dirt, dust or contaminents from deep within the grooves and across the entire surface, leaving the record clean and shiny.  
We can now provide this complete service for only £2 a single-record LP/12' --Single or EP.  Double LPs are £3. 
7' singles/EPs are £1 each.
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